Securing Application Workloads, APIs, and Serverless Functions with Panoptica

Are you concerned about the security of your cloud workloads? Do you want to learn how to protect your applications, workloads, APIs, and serverless functions? Panoptica has built out a robust cloud workload protection platform that has differentiated itself with strong, integrated API and serverless security.

In this webinar, we will provide a brief introduction to the application security challenges to date. DevSecOps teams can learn about and view demonstrations of Panoptica’s platform approach to integrated cloud native application security.

Tim Miller, Technical Marketing Engineer at Outshift by Cisco, highlights Panoptica’s world-class approach to cloud application security and will cover:

  • The top four factors impacting cloud architecture and the challenges of cloud architecture.

  • With third-party applications, developers surrender a certain amount of control over security.

  • Application development now happens at a faster pace which makes ongoing security risk management more difficult.

  • An overview of Panoptica’s features and capabilities to show how it can help you protect your application workloads, APIs, and serverless functions.



Technical Marketing Engineering Technical Leader
