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Read how Panoptica secured a large-scale, mission-critical, cloud native application operated by Fira de Barcelona

Case Study: Panoptica@Fira de Barcelona

Read a case study on how Panoptica secured a large-scale, mission-critical, cloud native application operated by Fira de Barcelona during one of the largest conventions held in 2024: Mobile World Congress Barcelona, which hosted over 101K attendees.

This case study details how the Fira team ensured multi-dimensional security to their critical applications, while meeting stringent event deadlines and without putting undue burden on developers. Both the business and technical challenges of this project are outlined, the latter of which included identifying container vulnerabilities, assuring orchestration security, data protection, API security, and Identity and Access Management (IAM) security. The study then details how Panoptica met all these challenges using a combination of its technologies, including graph-database-driven attack path analysis and generative AI. And finally, the report concludes with customer quotes on the overall impact and value that Panoptica delivered to the operators and developers involved.

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Case Study: Panoptica@Fira de Barcelona